BILINFO x CarBuddii
Up to 40% increase in your conversion rate.
Bilinfo and CarBuddii synchronize customer and car data between the systems, and optimize the sales process from lead to closing slip. Less administration time and no more duplication of work.

Let's talk? Book a non-binding meeting
Fill in the form and we will call you as soon as possible. We call Monday-Friday between 09:00 and 15:00.
How it works
The integration digitizes analogue processes and optimizes business processes - now also on your mobile phone.

Top benefits
Complete overview, and you easily manage all your customers as they move through the sales funnel.
Alle leads samlet ét sted - lige ved hånden. Tilgængelig når som helst og hvor som helst.
Udbyg kunderejsen i Bilinfo med CarBuddii’s digitale køresedler.
Opgavestyring, notifikationer og mini CRM hjælper sælgeren med at huske dagens opgaver.
How it works
The integration digitizes analogue processes and optimizes business processes - now also on your mobile phone.

Top benefits
Complete overview, and you easily manage all your customers as they move through the sales funnel.
Alle leads samlet ét sted - lige ved hånden. Tilgængelig når som helst og hvor som helst.
Udbyg kunderejsen i Bilinfo med CarBuddii’s digitale køresedler.
Opgavestyring, notifikationer og mini CRM hjælper sælgeren med at huske dagens opgaver.

Let's talk? Book a non-binding meeting
Fill in the form and we will call you as soon as possible. We call Monday-Friday between 09:00 and 15:00.
Price - what does it cost?
Vores prismodel er enkel: Prisen er 869DKK pr. måned, hvilket dækker omkostningerne for integrationen til Bilinfo samt licensen til CarBuddii SALES PRO. Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at denne pris forudsætter, at du allerede har et Bilinfo Pro abonnement.
About Bilinfo
Bilinfo is the dealers' preferred system for efficient and professional car trading. Here, dealers have the opportunity to advertise on the large online marketplaces DBA and Bilbasen.

Our integrations
We build the car industry software solution of tomorrow, and our open platform communicates easily with other systems.